Tax Equalization

The primary duty of the office of tax equalization is to identify and value all real property within rural Dunn County as well as the cities of Dunn Center, Halliday and Dodge, in accordance with state and international assessing guidelines and to ensure all property is valued fairly and equitably throughout the county.

In addition to assessment duties, the office is responsible for administration of property tax exemption and credit programs instituted by the state, administration of mobile home taxes and moving permits, assisting the county auditor in preparation of assessment lists for taxing purposes, and maintaining taxpayer records and parcel splits as documented within the county recorder's office.  

For questions regarding property assessments, property tax credits/exemptions, or mobile home moving permits, please contact the office of tax equalization. To make payments or for questions regarding property tax statements or amounts, please contact the treasurer's office. North Dakota Century Code Chapter 11-10.1.
Holly Hutchison

Director of Tax Equalization

Holly Hutchison is the director of tax equalization. She has worked for the county since December 2015 and served as deputy director of tax equalization since April 2016. In March 2024, she was promoted to director of tax equalization. Holly is a certified Class I Assessor through the State of North Dakota.

Holly Hutchison
Phone: (701) 573-9904
Fax: (701) 573-9932