Frequently Asked Questions


 What are the county office hours?

Our office hours are Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday 8:00 a.m. to Noon. Closed on state government holidays.

 What is the recycling pick up schedule?

Dunn County does not have recycling pick up.

 Who do I contact to rent a picnic shelter?

Lake Ilo has the only picnic shelter with power in Dunn County available to rent. The contact phone number is (701) 573-4848.

 At what point is a snow emergency declared?

Dunn County issues a snow emergency when it receives heavy snowfall, drifts due to high winds, and an accumulated snow depth. When these factors cause highway closures, threaten the well-being and safety of residents, become too expensive and time-consuming to maintain, and negatively affect livestock, a snow emergency is declared.

 Do I need a permit for a recreational fire?

You do not need a permit for a recreational fire in Dunn County. As a courtesy to the local fire departments, we would appreciate if you called the Dunn County Emergency Manager at (701) 573-4612 or (701) 290-1769 or the Dunn County Sheriff at (701) 573-4449 to let them know you are planning to burn.

 Who do I need to contact to get a 911 address?

Sandy Rohde, 911 Coordinator
205 Owens Street
Manning, ND  58642-9513
Phone: (701) 573-4609
Fax: (701) 573-9933